Monday, April 25, 2005

Oh My God! Not the Shots!!!!!

Today I have to go take my daughter to get her shots (4-6 year vaccinations). I have been spelling it when I talk to people to tell them where we are going. I told my sister, "We have to go and get some S-H-O-T-S." The child looked at me and said, "Am I going to the doctor Mommy?" So I told her yes. Wrong answer! She proceeds to scream, "I don't like shots. I don't want to go the doctor!" How on earth did she know I was spelling shots? I guess I have underestimated her intelligence. Anyway, I have to get going because it's about that time to drag the child out the house kicking and screaming so that she can get her S-H-O-T-S. I'll have to let you know how it went.

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