Monday, May 30, 2005

The Countdown Is On!!!!!

It's official my sister-in-law is definitely coming!!!!!

I am so excited! And no I am not just saying this because she might read my site (which she does), but I really like my in-laws. I have been blessed to have such loving people placed in my life.

Anyway, she commented on one of my posts and said that they are definitely coming. First of all I was happy to see that somebody other than my faithful reader, Jaws, commented, then I was excited about the good news. So now my countdown is officially on. I don't know exactly when they will get out here because they are going back "home" to visit family first.

Oh yeah, I never went on that link rampage but as you can see I did make use of a link in this post. Talk to you later!!!!!

Sunday, May 29, 2005

I Feel like a Dumby!!!!!!

My husband showed me how to insert a link. And then when we came to the site to practice inserting links he looked and said, "Look you can use this right here." I never even noticed the button to insert links. So I think I am about to go on a link rampage. So excuse me for a little while until I get bored with links!

Wednesday, May 25, 2005

Oh My God!!!!

Why do people let this show make fools of them. This girl just came on American Idol and butchered the National Anthem. She knows they showed her as one of the horrible singers. One of the humorous parts of the earlier shows. So why on earth would she agree to get up there and sing. I am actually upset that she did that.

Oh yeah, now that I am further into this show and I am listening to this sucky duet with Bo and Carrie. I really don't care who the hell wins.

Alrighty then. I might be back.

Why is Burt Reynolds Boss Hog????

I am sitting here watching American Idol and I see a commercial for The Dukes of hazard. They go through the cast and I see that they picked Burt Reynolds as Boss Hog. Who on earth made that choice. Anybody that has ever watched even one episode of The Dukes of Hazard would know that he is not the person to play that part. What happened to Danny DeVito???? He would have been perfect. In my eyes he would have been the perfect Boss Hog!!!!

Well, let me go. I am gonna go finish watching American Idol. I actually hope Bo wins!!!!!!!

Tuesday, May 24, 2005

IS THIS FOR REAL??????????????

While looking through a site that I try to visit as often as possible (Jaws Was a Lady) I stumbled upon something pretty enteresting. Apparently a blooger can be complimented by The Complimenting Commenter or they can be bless'd or burn'd by Blogg'd. I don't think I am ready for either one (I might actually get burn'd) I am still taking baby steps with my blog. I still have a lot to learn.

just in case you are interested in reading what they have to say about others (and each other) this is where you should go:

Sorry. You're gonna have to cut and paste. I still don't know how to add a link. Yeah, I know Duh! Dumby!!!!

Oh Yeah! Jaws Was a Lady. If you want to read this is where you should go:

It's been a few days

Well I did it again. I have neglected my post. For the past few days I really haven't been up to much. So I really have no excuse for leaving you guys hanging. I did start looking for a job. So wish me luck.

Well, let's see...
"The Child" is still home. This is her last week of school before the summer starts so we decided to let her stay since she is still taking the amoxicillin for her ear infection. I think she would rather be at school sick and taking the medicine. She has found something to complain about almost everyday since she has been home from school. This morning she insists that eating the baked chicken that we had for dinner last night would also be good for breakfast. I keep telling her that if she wants it for lunch that is ok but not for breakfast. I then gave her the choices for breakfast while she looks at me as if she is the boss and I should do what she tells me. Finally she tells me that she should eat some oatmeal because she remembers that her maw maw fixed it for her one day. Oh, O.K. I guess I have never fixed you oatmeal or anything else for breakfast. Well I fixed the oatmeal. Looks like she is enjoying it.

I am starting something new. I am going to sell Avon. The district manager came by yesterday to tell me more about the products and to give me the materials that I would need to start. I doubt if I am going to be like a lot of these ladies making a living from this. This would probably just be a little extra money for me, until I get a job. The area that I live in isn't that big. So I have to find some diehard Avon customers. I hope this works.

I guess I'll talk to you later. It's about that time for "The Child" to learn something. She still has to keep the brain working even though she is home from school. She can't watch SpongeBob and Dora all day!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Thursday, May 19, 2005

It's Been A Long Time........

But I'm Back!!!!!!!

Hello all! I am finally home and settled from my vacation. I wanted to write while I was gone but I never really got a chance to. So here I am to update you on my "happenings".

When we got there it was so nice to see our family. Since "The Husband" and I are from the same place it is so much easier to go and visit our family. Anyway, "The child" was so excited that I think she forgot that we were her parents. The only time she was with us was if her "maw maws" or her "paw paws" were gone somewhere. But I guess that extra time was good for us. "The Husband" got to see some of his old friends from out there and actually went out with them. Big surprise! (That was not sarcasm. He really doesn't go out as much as the typical male his age.) All I did was relax and spend time with family. I only got to see one of my good friends from there. She cooked for us one night and it was just really good to see her. The few other people that I know from there have moved away. There is one other person that I would like to have got in touch with; but, I haven't seen or heard from here in so long that I wouldn't know how to get in touch with her.

While we were out there "The Husband" and I went to a wedding. One of his friends got married. The wedding was beautiful!! Since I didn't know anybody there I would wind up standing in the corner by myself while "The Husband" went off to talk to somebody that he knew. I would just stand there and hope that he didn't take that long. We eventually left and to be honest with you I was relieved. I felt really out of place and I got tired of standing in the corner by myself.

That little vacation was needed. I felt very refreshed by the time we got back home. The road trip was long but well worth it. When we got back I slept for a long time. Unfortunately "The Child" got sick somewhere between our last day out there and the trip home. When we got back I had to take her to the doctor to find out what exactly was wrong with her. Well, I found out that she had another ear infection (both ears), her throat was infected, and she had pink eye. I figured that she might have pink eye but I really did not expect the other two. Needless to say I could not take her back to school so she is sitting home with me.

Well, it is time for me to go. "The Child" is up and she is HUNGRY! Talk to you later.

Monday, May 02, 2005

What I Meant To Say Was...

Friday when I talked about neglecting my blog I told you guys that I would definitely write more tomorrow. What I meant to say was I'll talk to you on Monday. I'm taking the weekend off!

Since "The Husband" was home we just sat back and relaxed. We watched a few movies and just enjoyed our family time. Whenever we are all together my daughter says, "This is family. I love family!" I think it's the cutest thing.

Today will be a little different for me. I let "The Child" stay home from school because we are leaving to go back "home" on Wednesday. (I'm still trying to get used to another state. I always find myself calling New Orleans "home") She insists on helping. She wants to make sure that she has everything she needs to see her "Grandmas and Grandpas"! (This is plural Mom! Not possession of!)

I pulled out the suitcases the other day but I did not start packing. I guess "The Child" thought that I was taking too long because I found the suitcases in her room filled with toys, movies, and books. I looked at her and said, "What is this?" She then tells me, "Everything I need to go see everybody." So now I'm thinking where are your clothes child? Don't you need clothes? What about a toothbrush at least? So now I am putting the finishing touches on the two suitcases. I gave "The Child" her own small bag to pack "everything that she needs".

I guess I need to go tie up the few loose ends then just sit back relax and enjoy the quiet time.