Tuesday, May 24, 2005

It's been a few days

Well I did it again. I have neglected my post. For the past few days I really haven't been up to much. So I really have no excuse for leaving you guys hanging. I did start looking for a job. So wish me luck.

Well, let's see...
"The Child" is still home. This is her last week of school before the summer starts so we decided to let her stay since she is still taking the amoxicillin for her ear infection. I think she would rather be at school sick and taking the medicine. She has found something to complain about almost everyday since she has been home from school. This morning she insists that eating the baked chicken that we had for dinner last night would also be good for breakfast. I keep telling her that if she wants it for lunch that is ok but not for breakfast. I then gave her the choices for breakfast while she looks at me as if she is the boss and I should do what she tells me. Finally she tells me that she should eat some oatmeal because she remembers that her maw maw fixed it for her one day. Oh, O.K. I guess I have never fixed you oatmeal or anything else for breakfast. Well I fixed the oatmeal. Looks like she is enjoying it.

I am starting something new. I am going to sell Avon. The district manager came by yesterday to tell me more about the products and to give me the materials that I would need to start. I doubt if I am going to be like a lot of these ladies making a living from this. This would probably just be a little extra money for me, until I get a job. The area that I live in isn't that big. So I have to find some diehard Avon customers. I hope this works.

I guess I'll talk to you later. It's about that time for "The Child" to learn something. She still has to keep the brain working even though she is home from school. She can't watch SpongeBob and Dora all day!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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