Friday, October 12, 2007

Let's Make this My New Habit

Today I started going through a few of my old posts and realized that alot of them had the same theme. Me neglecting my blog! Alot of my old posts started with "It's Been a Long Time", or "Where Have I Been", or my favorite "M.I.A". After reading I realized that I needed to learn how to make this a habit. When I originally started my blog I really enjoyed it. But somewhere in 2006 I just got in a funk. I managed to only post four times. In 2006 I only felt the need to share four times which is very unlike me. So I have decided to do this little thing that my sister-in-law and my husband have done with exercising. I am going to take 21 days and consistently write something on my blog. After 21 days it will be such a habit that I will feel like I am missing something if I do not write. I will not count yesterday or even today as part of my 21 day experiment. I will start my countdown tomorrow! So look out for a new and improved blog with more posts. Hopefully I always have something interesting to write about! So let's get this countdown started!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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