Wednesday, April 27, 2005

I Can't Believe I Just Did That!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I think my brain is still trying to wake up. Apparently it wasn't fully awoke just now when I locked myself out the house.

I was going outside to put "The Child" in my friend's car, she takes the kids to school in the morning, and I turned around to close the front door. WHY? WHY? WHY? Our door has the lock that from the inside it is unlocked and the outside it is locked. I guess when I opened the door without the key my brain did not register that it was still locked from the outside. No alarms went off to warn me not to close the door, No intuition popped in saying , "Don't close the door!" Nothing. Nothing at all! As soon as I closed the door I guess the noise it made woke the brain up because I realized what I just did. I started to kick the door and just bang on it as if by some miracle someone would open it. So now I am standing outside with a dingy red tank top, bright red sleep shorts, my husband's black tube socks, brown leather flip flops, and half combed hair. Yes, it was a sight to see. So now I go to put "The Child" in my friend's car and buckle her up and try to figure out how I am going to get back inside. Since my husband is gone to the field I have this house locked up like Fort Knox. Nothing gets in and nothing gets out! So you know I was really panicking. All windows are locked and all the doors are locked what on earth am I going to do. I look like a "tack", I mean really really tacky. I can't go anywhere looking like this. Which means it would be really hard for me to drag myself out to get an MP (Military Police) or anybody else to help me get back in this house. They probably would not have let me in anyway because I don't even look like I belong on anybody's military installation. Well, I finally remember that I went outside this morning to feed the dog and I didn't lock the sliding door when I came back in. So now I have to walk to the back of the house -- when I really wanted to run and hide -- to go through the back door. I know every car that passed was trying to find out what was wrong with me and why on earth I look like this. I live on the corner of two major streets on this post so at any given time there are cars on the street. Anyway, I finally get in the house and sit and think about what just happened. I can tell you one thing. From now on I will get fully dressed and at least put a ponytail in my hair before I even attempt to walk out my door.

Well, now I have some work to do. I will write some more later. Bye!


Anonymous said...

I just read your blog. I was reading Rob's and I saw that you had one too. That Child is something else. LOL Everybody locks themselves out at one time or another. I don't remember which one but they locked themselves in the vestibule - the iron gate was locked and so was the door to the house.
Keep on blogging and kiss K and Lou for me.

Anonymous said...

Unfortunately I "The Husband" was the dumb child who locked himself in the vestibule. It was an all day lock-in too. I am glad to hear that you got back in the house "bay" because I would have hated to come home from the field and you still be locked out. :)