Saturday, July 23, 2005

Where Have I Been?


I have been lazy. Plain and simple that is all that I can say about that. I haven't written in my blog in such a long time that I almost forgot about it. So, let's see. I think we need to do a little catching up.

First things first. I got a job. I work all of 1 minute away from home at the middle school in my neighborhood. My first day of work is August 9th and I am very excited. I told "The Child" that I am starting a new job soon and showed her where I would be working. I thought she would be excited but she started crying. She kept saying, "Mommy don't work there! The big kids are going to be mean to you!" I guess the big kids at her school are mean and that's why she kept telling me that. I finally got her to calm down and when she did she asked me if she could come visit sometimes. I thought that was cute.

Let's see... What else has happened? Oh yeah! I kept telling you guys about my sister-in-law her brood and how they were going to be moving out here. They finally came. They were able to look around and check out where they would be living before they actually move everything. According to the housing department on base they won't be able to move here until September because that is when another house should come available for them. So, let's keep our fingers crossed because I would really love for them to be out here!

Nothing much has been happening around here so I guess I am done. Write to you later! Bye!!