Sunday, September 17, 2006

It's Been a Long Time...

Since I actually came here and wrote something on my blog. I don't know what even possessed me to sit here today and write something. I guess you can say that this appearance has something to do with football season. This year we got the Sunday Ticket with Direct TV so my husband is watching way more football than humanly possible. Right now he is on the phone analyzing the Saints/Packers game with one of his friends from back home.

Anyway, let's see if I can bring you up to speed with what's going on with me. I have turned into a real wine connoisseur or maybe just a wino. I don't know what to call it at this point. Out here where I live there are a lot of wineries -- I know, who would have thought that grapes could grow in the middle of the desert; but, it did snow out here. Well, yesterday we went to one with my sister-in-law. We had a good time just tasting the wine; but, I couldn't leave without getting a few bottles to take home. My sister-in-law bought two bottles and we walked out of there with a case. Plus two extra bottles that I wanted when I found out that they would not have this particular type again until next year. My sister-in-law made sure to post our pictures on her blog with the rest of her flickr photos. I look like a true wino. I asked her to please find a decent picture of me to post so that the rest of her blogger friends wouldn't think that her sister-in law is a crazy lush. After the winery we went to a birthday party for a little girl in my daughter's class at the cove. I realized that it was about time to send my child to swimming lessons. She was the only one out there that could not swim. My husband asked her if she wanted him to get in the water with her and she said no because he would embarrass her with his big belly. I thought that was hilarious. After the party we decided to sign the child up for some swim classes so she will be starting in November every Saturday morning.

Later on that evening we all went to the fair. We made it a little family outing. Me, the husband, the child, my sister-in-law, and her two kids. We actually had fun until my husband decided that I would prefer to ride a ride rather than take my child to the bathroom. His comment really pissed me off and we had a little screaming match in the middle of the fair. He did not understand my feelings on the port-o-potty. I can't stand those nasty inventions. They are the filthiest things you would ever want to step foot in. Anyone that has ever gone in one should understand my feelings on this subject. So after I take the child to the port-o-potty he decides to tell me that it was time to go because I had a bad attitude. I guess that was my "punishment" so to speak. I looked at him like he had just fallen out the sky shooting fireworks out his ass while speaking in tongues. He must have temporarily gone insane. He can't tell me when it's time to go. We make that decision together. I really don't have enough time to give a complete commentary of every line that followed the temporary insanity moment that my husband had but basically, he screamed, I screamed, the child screamed, we kissed and made up. The End!

I guess that wasn't really bringing you up to speed with me; but, now you know what me and the family did yesterday.

Now it's time to fix something for my family to eat so I'll come back later to write some more.
