Monday, October 29, 2007

It All Seems Like A Blur

Well, I have discontinued my countdown, my daughter has gotten her report card, we have somehow killed three neon tetras, and my In-Laws have come and gone. All of this has happened in the past few days and it all seems like a blur.

Since Kailyn did well on her report card we decided to get her a fish tank. She had been asking for it since the beginning of the year and we told her that she could get a tank if she did well in school. Her grades were great so we went and got a tank and prepared it for fish. The next day we bought five neon tetras and watched them as we integrated them into the tank. The first one died within 15 minutes. The next one died sometime during the weekend while we were in Phoenix and the third one died today while my daughter was watching them swim. So now we are down to three noen tetras and a Beta fish that my husband bought on the way home from work. We are currently taking bets on the life span of the last two neon tetras. I think the Beta will catch them sometime tonight.

I really just had to get on to share this short thought. I will have to come back later tonight to tell everyone about my weekend trip. Let's just say this story is pretty interesting.

I'll be back!!!!!!!

Sunday, October 21, 2007

Happy Now Grandma Judy!!!!

Here is your picture mom!

Maybe A Countdown Won't Work For Me

When I started this 21 day countdown I was in it to win it. Now I think it wasn't the route to take. I haven't posted for the past two days. Two days of my countdown to making this blog a habit have come and gone. It's not that I haven't had anything to write about it's just that I have actually been busy. With my mother-in-law and father-in-law in town I have been doing things with them. But, as you can see I did come back even after missing two days. Maybe I just needed a little push -- not a countdown -- to make this work. I think for the time being my countdown is on hiatus. Maybe I'll bring it back later.

Thursday, October 18, 2007

The Garden of Eatin'

Yesterday I went to "The Garden of Eatin" with my daughter and her classmates for their fieldtrip and those are the pumpkins that some of the kids picked from the pumpkin patch. My daughter's pumpkin is the one in front. During this field trip they got to pet goats, feed pigs, have story time, go to a pumpkin class, and end it off with a trip through a maze. She had a great time and is ready to carve her pumpkin. So I have to enlist the help of my husband to do that because I refuse to scrape the insides of that thing. The insides of a pumpkin feels like rotten sludge, or what my daughter calls "icky goo". So we will make that a daddy - daughter project.

While my daughter and I were at the field trip my husband and my sister-in-law were on their way to the airport to pick up their parents. They made sure to take a detour and buy keychains with their names on it but they finally got back on track and made it to the airport. When they got back we all ate dinner and played with the "main event" of the trip -- Baby Lou! My daughter kept talking about what her brother can do and how he likes to play. So we all had fun playing with the baby.

Today we all decided to just sit back and relax. Well, all accept my father-in-law. When he got up this morning he decided to fix an outlet, fix our icemaker on our refrigerator, and re-arrange our garage. I kept telling him that he needed to just sit back and relax but he insisted that he needed something to do. After getting a few things out of the garage my husband and my father-in-law decided to go bowling. I was just glad that my husband got him out of the house. I really didn't want him to get bored and feel all cooped up. When my mom and dad came out here my husband and dad got out of the house a few times. So I just want to make sure that they get out too. The rest of the day was pretty laid back. My mother-in-law, my daughter, and I went to the grocery and when we got back she cooked some good porkchops. She put soo many different seaonings that I really didn't know how it was going to come out. Needless to say they were great. Whenever my mom or my mother-in-law comes to visit I make sure they cook a few meals for me. Even though I can cook now there ain't nothing like a home cooked mother's meal. So now I am sitting here full and I feel "The Itis" kicking in and we all know what that means. Well, maybe not all of us. Anyway, I am getting off of this computer and going cure "The Itis".

So, I Missed A Day

I know I did not write on my 5th Day; but, I was here in spirit.

Yesterday I got on the computer logged in and then I got sidetracked. I kept thinking I need to get on the computer but I just never came back. When I got up this morning I noticed that my blog was still up and I just said, "Oh well I can write double today". I refuse to start all over because I did think about writing. Since I did think about it I am going to count that as "Day Five". So I will be back later to tell everybody about the day that I had yesterday and what I did today.

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Day 4...

So it's day four and I almost didn't write. I was so busy today with my children that I almost forgot. My daughter was sent home from school early yesterday with a fever so I had both of the kids today. Whenever she is sick she treats me like the live in maid. She calls me for everything. It's like she couldn't make a move today without me being there. She has to be fever free for 24 hours before she can go back to school and thankfully today there was no fever. So off to school she goes tomorrow.

Well I am actually pretty sleepy so I am going to bed. I'll write a longer post tomorrow.

Good Night!

Monday, October 15, 2007

Day 3 and Going Strong

I love Dexter!!

I just caught up on the last two weeks of Dexter and I know that I am really going to love this season. Dexter is really a likable character. While I was watching today with my husband we were both wondering if something was wrong with us because we really wanted Dexter to kill Lil' Chino. We also think that Dexter's girlfriend Rita is about to have a breakdown because her face practically cracked and her mouth nearly hit the floor when she found out who Dexter's sponsor was. That was a great way to end the show! I can't wait until next Sunday rolls around.

So now I am about to go watch Heros. We tape that, and Journeyman, and Chuck on Mondays. What I like to do is wait until it is about 1/2 an hour into the show and then start watching from the beginning. That way we can fast forward through the comercials. Since I have been taping so many shows and watching them later I am really starting to hate commercials.
Well gotta go the Husband's waiting. Bye!!!

Sunday, October 14, 2007

DAY II ....

Day 2 and I am still hanging in there! Feels good to have reconnected with my blog.

Yesterday when I left I said that I would write about the episode of I love New York 2 that I saw. I know that I am late but I don't always get to watch things when they first come on TV. All I can say is thank goodness for DVR's I am the recording queen. Anyway, New York is crazy and the men on the show must be on some "Special S*&?" !!!! There were a few decent looking and pretty well mannered men but for the most part the cast was full of clowns. My husband, sister-in-law, and I were all watching it in awe. We were all trying to figure out where do they find these people. On this season New York's mom picked her group of men, there were some people that were voted on by viewers, and another set that were picked by the show. In New Yorks mom's group there was an ex football player, a harvard (I think he said Harvard) graduate, and a few other decent choices as a contender for New York. The men from the internet were pretty disappointing and the other men were just funny as hell. There was a midget from Florida, and the rest were forgetable. After she had her little "meet and greet" party with the guys she had to let five men go. At the end of the day little Midget Mac was still standing. Although I know she won't pick Mr. Midget Mac he gets my vote.

Well people gotta go wash some clothes and get my daughter together. She has been off of school for a week for Fall Break and she goes back tomorrow. Yeah School!!!!!

Saturday, October 13, 2007

Day 1

Most people start a countdown on a Sunday or a Monday depending on what they consider the beginning of the week; but, me being the special person that I am decided that I would start on a Saturday. Well as long as I decide to keep writing after day 21 it really doesn't matter to me!

So far I have had a pretty interesting day. Last night my daughter went to her first slumber party so I had to pick her up this morning. She said that she had a great time and that they had a treasure hunt to find candy. After she found her candy she said she choked on a Skittle.

This morning my husband and my sister-in-law went to Tucson to go to Saturn to get her car door fixed. I told them that they needed to get directions before they left but of course they didn't. I knew they would get lost and of course they did. When I called them approximately two hours after they left my husband said, "Guess what we are lost!" I just said I told you so and that whenever he assumes that he knows where something is he always seems to be wrong. So they were just driving around Tucson like they had no where to go. When they finally got to Saturn the guy was trying to convince my sister-in-law to buy a new car. My husband kept telling her she should wait but she was on the verge of breaking down. She did get a 2008 Vue as a loaner until her car was fixed. We are all loving this car. I think when we go to get our new car we are going to look at the Saturn Outlook, or the Chrysler Pacifica. My daughter loves it and is ready for the new car.

Well, that's about it but I think I will come back a little later to write about the I Love New York episode that I just saw.

Friday, October 12, 2007

Let's Make this My New Habit

Today I started going through a few of my old posts and realized that alot of them had the same theme. Me neglecting my blog! Alot of my old posts started with "It's Been a Long Time", or "Where Have I Been", or my favorite "M.I.A". After reading I realized that I needed to learn how to make this a habit. When I originally started my blog I really enjoyed it. But somewhere in 2006 I just got in a funk. I managed to only post four times. In 2006 I only felt the need to share four times which is very unlike me. So I have decided to do this little thing that my sister-in-law and my husband have done with exercising. I am going to take 21 days and consistently write something on my blog. After 21 days it will be such a habit that I will feel like I am missing something if I do not write. I will not count yesterday or even today as part of my 21 day experiment. I will start my countdown tomorrow! So look out for a new and improved blog with more posts. Hopefully I always have something interesting to write about! So let's get this countdown started!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Thursday, October 11, 2007

My Life May be Interesting Again

Hello people (all none of you)!!!!!!

Well, I've decided that my life is interesting again and that I should dust off this old blog, crack my knuckles and get to typing!

Since December a lot of things have been going on in my life. I have moved, I had a baby, and my other baby started "Big Girl" school!

During my pregnancy we decided to move into a larger home in a better school district. We found a great place and the land lord is the sweetest lady that I have met in this city for a long time. Although I love the place I hated the fact that I had to pack up my things in order to get here. If anybody that has had the pleasure of preparing themselves for a move knows, it really isn't very much fun. Now add in the pregnancy factor and the move slowly becomes a nightmare of disbelief. I was grumpy and tired and I did not want to pack anything. With my husband working during the day I had to do a majority of the packing by myself. After a while I just started to throw things away. When the big day came I had already managed to pack sheets, and towels. That is correct just sheets and towles which was nothing. But, I did throw away most of the junk in my daughter's room. If anybody was watching us move they would have thought it was mass hysteria. We looked like Lemmings with no direction. When the day came to an end we had accomplished to move everything and regain our sanity. After that I settled in and started to love our new neighborhood.

Approximately a month after we moved a had to be rushed to the hospital. I felt extremely dizzy and everyone said that I was starting to ramble and sound incoherrent. When all the blood work was complete and the urine analysis was complete I was told that I was extremely dehydrated. They then began to ask me what I had eaten last and how often I eat. I had to explain to them that most of the food that I ate would severly upset my stomach and I would throw up not too long after eating. They then said that I was suffering from sever acid reflux. I spent a weeknd in the hospital and when I was discharged we went to the nearest drugstore and bought just about every over the counter antacid that the doctor said would work. The thing that worked the best for me was Mylanta. I used it so much that my daughter was asking if I would like Mylanta as my drink with dinner. About a month after that I went into labor!
The day that I went into labor was very interesting. My contractions had a mind of there own. You know how the doctors say that contractions intensify and gradually become closer and closer together. Well, mine did no such thing. They would be 20 minutes apart then 10 minutes apart then jump up to 30 minutes and follow 5 minutes later. There just wasn't any continuity to these contractions at all. I just kept feeling that it was time because when the contractions did come they were so intense that I could barley stand up. I would bend over and curl up into the fetal position. I called my doctor's office to find out if I should just go to the hospital and they continued to tell me that if my contractions weren't regular the hospital would send me home. Then all of a sudden my contractions started to continually come at seven minute intervals. I decided that I couldn't take it any more and had to go. I needed something to ease my pain. By the time we got to the hospital my contractions were 3 minutes apart. They brought me to an observation room in order to prepare the labor and delivery room and they werent even able to put all the baby monitoring gadgets on me. While one nurse was trying to put them on the other nurse discovered that I was already 8 cm dilated and wanted to know what I had in mind for the pain. I looked at the lady and asked if she was trying to tell me that and epidural was out of the question. I guess you know what her answer was. So they rushed to a room and started to coach me with breathing techniques because they did not want to rush the birth. They began to compliment me on how calm I was and said that this was the type of birth people needed to see on those TLC shows. Then suddenly a wave a nausea hit and all sanity flew out the window. As I threw up two things occured -- 1. My water broke 2. The doctor mysteriously appeared. So now the doctor is in the room and my husband starts to call me the exorcists. I was in soooooooo much pain. The slightest pressure in the vicinity of my southern region and I damn near flew off the table. It seemed like forever before the baby finally showed it's face to the world. The doctor kept saying, "I see the baby!" or "We're almost there!" Then she started asking questions like, "Was your other child bald?" and "Did you have problems with your other delivery?" We soon found out that the baby's position was a little different. Instead of the baby coming out by the crown of the head it was coming out face first. Literally!! The doctor said that she could feel the baby's eyes and mouth. when the baby finally came out we were told that our girl had mysteriously turned into a boy between the womb and the birth canal.
So little Leiana turned into little Lou and on May 30th exactly two weeks early Louis Jr. came "Face First" into the world demanding everyone's attention. He looked a little beat up at first but his skin quickly cleared up and began to look like the happy little baby that he is now. OK so the picture doesn't look too happy but I think the little man has become tired of cameras and flashes.
I think that I haven't written enough for now and maybe later I might write about my daughter's new school and her kindergarten graduation. I am going to try to make this blog a new habit and start typing again. OK people I will write more later.